Lexy 2020 Bathing Suit Trend
I have raved about Swell Obsessed. I love their bathing suits. They’re hip and happening, trendy, and S.U.S.T.A.I.N.A.B.L.E. My fave! The trend recently for bathing suits, another other clothes are ruffles. It’s the babydoll look meets prairie girl look that’s so popular right now. The Angela Top from Swell Obsessed has a little bit of all of this mixed into it.
This top is so versatile. First of all, tiny tops have been a trend forever so I have in fact worn this swimsuit top as a shirt. But also there are a thousand different ways to style it as a swimsuit. I have worn it three different ways so far.
First, I take the strands and tie them as if the top was a tube top. Doing it this way allows for a little more cleavage to be seen ;). So you have to be careful about that. Here’s a photo of what that looks like:
The second way to wear it is by taking the strands and tying them behind my neck, just like a halter top. This is probably the most basic of the looks but hey, there is nothing wrong with basic.
Finally, you can style it the way it’s demonstrated on the website. I take the two straps and tie them criss-crossed in front of my neck and then tie them behind behind my neck. This is my personal favorite way to wear it because it looks more unique — kind of like you have a choker/bathing suit in one.
I LOVE this bathing suit but I also love this brand. I highly recommend checking out both and let me know if you find any other cool ways to tie the top!!
Please follow me on Instagram at @LexySilverstein and subscribe to my blog eLEXYfy.com. If you have any questions, please contact me at LexySilverstein@gmail.com.
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